I often make cards for birthdays and usually try to make our Christmas cards. I have made cards for Easter, Thankgiving, Valentines and even the occasional St. Patrick's Day. I was thinking tonight about what I wanted to make to post. I had this card design I made a few weeks ago and I really liked it but it needed tweaking. So I started to play with a new version. The original one had the greeting 'PEACE' on it and an acetate layer to enhance the snow. But this version unfolded with texture in the back ground and even more importantly, purpose.
I have a friend who has had a whopper of a 2009 and I am giving this to her to let her know that, i care. When everything seems pointless, or repetitive, or like it's actually moving towards something good...i care. Sometimes when we go through something that takes MUCH longer than we'd like it to, we can stop letting people in because WE are sick to the teeth of talking about it. But dear friends still care about our stuggles. They may not know what to say anymore either.
Sometimes very few words can fill an empty space. Sometimes a simple paper gesture is how you communicate a hug. Handmade often begins in the heart and moves outward to someone else. I challenge you to make a card for a friend who may need to hear that you care. That someone still cares. -tania
a beauty.